Negin saffron

Quality Assurance of Negin Saffron

Negin Saffron

Approximately 240 crocines, responsible for the coloring of saffron

  • From about 50 safranal, responsible for the saffron taste
  • Picrocrocin induces about 95 special saffron flavors. 

How to distinguish Negin saffron

Negin Saffron Properties:

Size Negin Saffron

Premium negin saffron is uniform in size and shape, at least 1.5 cm even without pushhal or sargol saffron.

Negin saffron mold

The scar is perfectly large, single, trumpet-shaped, tapering downward, physically straight with no ripples, at least 1.5 centimeters high, and all of uniform depth. It is crimson.

Color strength of Negin Saffron

Due to its wound size, it has the highest colocine rate and staining strength ranging from 230 to 270 USP.

Green saffron flavor

The taste of saffron is partly bitter and sometimes has no special taste.

The leek is the second best saffron, with high flavor and aroma.

Green saffron flavor

Despite its saffron flavor, its aroma is sweet and strong. 

Negin saffron

difference between Negin and Sargol saffron

Both negin and sargol are pure and contain red stigmas without stems or pollen, while negin stigmas are thicker, longer and all red, with no broken or wavy stigmas. 

How to keep Negin saffron

Storing saffron

1.First of all, the best way to store saffron is to put it in a clean, sealed container. When fresh saffron is expose to moisture and high humidity, it begins to lose its properties in a short time.

The same goes for saffron when exposed to oxygen. This is one of the reasons why you need to use a small container where air cannot circulate freely. Therefore, having stored in a dedicated box, you need to keep it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

The best option is to store the container in a kitchen cabinet out of direct sunlight under the counter. Also, use wooden cabinets or drawers because metal can easily absorb heat.

2.It should be mentione that saffron can last for more than two years if stored properly. However, it is best to use it within two years because after that time the medicine will start to lose its effectiveness.

3.Many people like to store saffron in the refrigerator. However, storing saffron in the refrigerator should be avoide, especially if you use it regularly. When you always put saffron in and out of the refrigerator, you will create condensation. Therefore, you can expect an increase in humidity, which will eventually damage the properties of saffron.

4.When it comes to temperature, experts recommend a well-balanced temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.

5.As we mentioned earlier, humidity plays an important role in the longevity of saffron. We recommend keeping the humidity around 40%.

6.When storing saffron, try using aluminum foil for extra protection.

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