Pushal Saffron

Although unlikely, even this kind of saffron can be scammed, so it is advisable to purchase Pushhal saffron from a reputable vendor. 

Serafinco Company eliminates the middleman by supplying homemade Pushal Saffron and supplies all kinds of it in any quantity with guaranteed quality and production price.

You can also be sure of the quality of our wholesale saffron by inspecting it in person at our office in Tehran or by ordering a sample.
For accurate price information and to buy saffron online from all over the world, please contact us. 

Contact us for free advice and accurate pricing information. 

What is Pushal saffron?

Pushal Saffron

Types of Pushal Saffron

Types of Pushal Saffron

It is dried so that the strands are red and bulky, and usually consist of strands with red and yellow parts.

Its colouring strength is about 170-250 degrees, which is lower than sargol saffron and negin saffron due to the presence of cream. However, it has more colour depth than Daste/Bunch Safran.

Grade A+ Premium/Pushal Kalamdar

This type has a thicker, smoother and more elongated stigma, making it less crimped and more intense in colour than other types of pushal saffron, he is one of the best types of it.

This type of pushhal saffron has less yellow or cream colour and larger threads. Properties of Pushal Qalamdar include:

  • deep orange
  • Parts do not stick together
  • Wounds with white tips
  • thick scars
  • The scar is not wavy
  • The ends of the wound are connected

The Pushal Saffron we offer has the following standards:

  1. Crocin (tinting strength) about 225
  2. Safranal (taste and aroma) about 50
  3. Picrocrocin (bitter) about 85
  4. Moisture ≤ 7D44 • Grade B / Common Pushhal Saffron

This kind of pushal saffron has wavy bruises, is of medium thickness and creamy, and is much more fragrant and tasty than the weaker kind.

Class C / Weak Pushhal Saffron

In general, pushal saffron with thick, smooth, wrinkle-free, and less cream (root) scars is called kalamdar, and pushal saffron with normal scars and cream is called normal pushal saffron.

Poushal saffron and Sargol saffron difference

Poushal saffron and Sargol saffron difference

Pushal saffron uses

Pushal saffron uses

Because pushal saffron is less expensive than other types of saffron, it is usually used in home cooking as well as in pastry shops and factories to make a variety of products.

Many people buy it because it is easy to buy. Uses of Pushal Saffron include:

  • Used in ice cream factories and saffron syrup
  • Used for cooking various dishes and rice in restaurant kitchens 

What advantages of buying Pushal saffron?

What advantages of buying Pushal saffron?

The presence of the cream allows everyone to know the authenticity of Pushal saffron, and because of this, saffron buyers are confident in purchasing this product.

This is one of the advantages of Pushal Saffron. However, in addition to being fake or genuine, using Pushal saffron has other benefits that are detailed below.

  • This type of saffron has a higher percentage of red stigmas than creams and therefore has a higher tinting strength. Pushhal saffron has a tinting strength of up to 250 UPS.
  • Due to the presence of cream, Pushal saffron has all the characteristics of the complete saffron chain.
  • The price of Pushal saffron is lower than other saffron.
    For Poushal saffron pricing information and a free saffron purchase consultation, please contact us. 

Contact us for free advice and accurate pricing information. 

Pushal saffron price

Pushal Saffron

The price of Pushal Saffron is cheaper than other pure red saffron varieties such as Negin Saffron, Super Negin Saffron, Sagol Saffron, etc. There is cream next to the stigma and the cream (root) price is cheaper than the stigma.

Pushal saffron varies in price depending on the grade of quality. The taller and thicker the stigma, the higher the ratio of red stigma to cream, and the less stigma and saffron powder, the higher the price. 

Why should I buy from Serafinco Company?

Why should I buy from Serafinco Company?

buy saffron from farmers

Serafinco guarantees product quality

Serafinco offers the lowest prices

Serafinco grows organic saffron

Serafinco product packaging

Contact us for free advice and accurate pricing information. 

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