The origin of saffron is still debate, but it most likely originated in Iran. Its medicinal properties are very valuable. People have eaten saffron to boost libido, improve mood, and improve memory .

Here are 11 impressive health benefits of saffron:
1. A Powerful Antioxidant
Saffron contains an impressive variety of plants. They act as antioxidants, molecules that protect cells from free radicals and oxidative stress.
Notable saffron antioxidants include:
fighter oil
Crocin and crocetin are carotenoid pigments responsible for the red colour of saffron. Both connections can:
has antidepressant properties
Protects brain cells from progressive damage
improve inflammation
suppress appetite
support weight loss
Safranal gives saffron its unique flavour and aroma. Studies have shown that it improves mood, memory and learning ability and helps protect brain cells from oxidative stress.
Finally, kaempferol found in saffron petals. This compound has been associate with health benefits such as reducing inflammation, anti-cancer properties and anti-depressant properties.
Saffron is rich in plants that act as antioxidants such as crocin, crocetin, safranal and kaempferol. Antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative stress.
2. May saffron improve mood and treat depressive symptoms
Saffron, also called the spice of the sun. This is because not only its unique color can brighten your mood.
In a review of five studies, saffron supplements were significantly more effective than placebo in treating symptoms of mild to moderate depression.
Other studies found that taking 30 mg of saffron daily was as effective as fluoxetine, imipramine, and citalopram (traditional treatments for depression). Additionally, fewer people experienced side effects from saffron than other treatments.
Both saffron leaves and threadlike stigmas appear to be effective against mild to moderate depression.
Although these results are encouraging, more human studies needed before experts can recommend saffron as a treatment for depression.
One another 11 surprising health benefits of saffron is helping treat symptoms of mild to moderate depression, but more research needed before any definitive recommendations can made.
3. May saffron has anti-cancer properties
Saffron is rich in antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals. Free radical damage associated with chronic diseases such as cancer.
Test-tube studies have shown that saffron and its compounds selectively kill or suppress the growth of colon cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
This effect also applies to skin, bone marrow, prostate, lung, breast, cervix, and several other cancer cells. Test-tube studies have also found that saffron’s main antioxidant, crocin, can make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs.
Although these results from test-tube studies are encouraging, the anticancer effects of saffron in humans have not been well studied and further research needed.
Saffron is rich in antioxidants and can help kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. However, more human research needed.
4. May Reduce PMS Symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a term use to describe the physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that occur before menstruation begins.
Studies have shown that saffron can help treat his PMS symptoms.
In a woman aged 20 to 45, taking 30 mg of saffron daily was more effective than placebo in treating her PMS symptoms, including irritability, headaches, cravings, and pain.
Another study found that just 20 minutes of sniffing saffron reduced PMS symptoms such as anxiety and lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Both eating and smelling saffron appear to help treat PMS symptoms such as irritability, headaches, cravings, pain, and anxiety.
Please contact us for the exact price of Singapore saffron and free consultation.
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5. Saffron can act as an aphrodisiac
Aphrodisiacs are foods or supplements that increase libido. Studies have shown that saffron may have aphrodisiac properties, especially in those taking antidepressants.
For example, taking 30 mg of saffron daily for 4 weeks significantly improved erectile function compared to placebo in men with antidepressant-related erectile dysfunction.
Furthermore, an analysis of six studies showed that saffron intake significantly improved erectile function, libido, and overall satisfaction, but not semen characteristics. In women with low libido due to taking antidepressants, 30 mg of saffron daily for 4 weeks reduced sex-related pain and increased libido and lubrication compared to placebo. bottom.
Saffron may have aphrodisiac properties in both men and women, and may be especially helpful for those taking antidepressants.
6. Suppresses appetite and aids in weight loss
Snacking is a common habit that contributes to weight gain. Studies show that saffron can prevent snacking by suppressing appetite.
In an eight-week study, women taking a saffron supplement felt significantly more full, snacked less frequently, and lost significantly more weight than women in the placebo group.
In another eight-week study, taking a saffron extract supplement significantly reduced appetite, body mass index, waist circumference, and total fat mass. However, scientists aren’t sure how saffron suppresses appetite and helps with weight loss. One theory is that saffron boosts mood and reduces cravings for snacks.
Saffron shown to reduce snacking and suppress appetite. These actions, in turn, help you lose weight.
7-10 Other Potential Health Benefits
Saffron is associated with other health benefits that have not yet been extensively studied.
May reduce risk factors for heart disease. Animal and test-tube studies show that saffron’s antioxidant properties can lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent clogging of blood vessels and arteries.
It can lower blood sugar. As shown in test-tube studies and in diabetic mice, saffron can lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. May improve vision in adults with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Saffron appears to improve vision in adults with AMD and protect against free radical damage associated with AMD.
May improve memory in adults with Alzheimer’s disease. Saffron’s antioxidant properties may improve cognition in adults with Alzheimer’s disease.
Saffron associated with several other surprising health benefits, including: B. Improved risk of heart disease, blood sugar, vision and memory. However, more studies are needed to draw stronger conclusions.
11. Easy to incorporate into your diet
In small amounts, saffron has a subtle flavor and aroma that pairs well with savory dishes such as paella, risotto and other rice dishes.
The best way to bring out the unique flavour of saffron is to soak the strands in hot (but not hot) water. Adding Threads and Liquids to your recipes will give you a deeper and richer flavor.
Saffron is readily available at most speciality stores and can be purchased in filament or powder form. Threads are versatile and less likely to adulterated, so it’s a good idea to buy threads whenever possible.
Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, but even a small amount is effective. Your recipes often don’t call for more than a pinch. In fact, using too much saffron can add an overwhelming spice to your recipes.
Additionally, saffron is available as a dietary supplement.
Saffron has a subtle flavor and aroma that makes it easy to add to your diet. It goes well with flavorful dishes, and soaking it in hot water deepens the flavour. Alternatively, you can purchase saffron in supplement form to reap saffron benefits.
Risks, Precautions and Dosage
Saffron is generally safe and has few or no side effects.
In typical cooking quantities, saffron does not appear to have any adverse effects on humans.
As a dietary supplement, people can safely consume up to 1.5 grams of saffron per day. I’m here.
On the other hand, high doses of 5 grams or more can have toxic effects. Pregnant women should avoid high doses that can lead to miscarriage.
As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking saffron as a supplement.
Another problem with saffron, especially saffron powder, is that it can blended (mixed) with other ingredients such as beets, red silk fibers, turmeric, and paprika.
Real saffron is expensive to harvest, so adulteration lowers costs for producers.
It’s important to buy saffron from a reputable brand to get an authentic product. If saffron seems too cheap, it’s best to avoid it.
In standard doses, saffron is generally safe with few to no side effects.To avoid adulteration, buy saffron from a reputable brand or reputable store.
Final result
Saffron is a powerful spice rich in antioxidants.
Here we told 11 surprising health benefits of saffron such as improved mood, libido and sexual function, reduced PMS symptoms, and improved weight loss. Best of all, it’s generally safe for most people and easy to add to your diet. please look.
Please contact us for the exact price of Singapore saffron and free consultation.
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Iran: +989365583007
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